Alexander Crew

About Me

I am TAFE Graduated Software Developer ready to solve the futures problems with latest technologies. enthusiastic about "Latest and greatest" interested in the bleeding edge of software and technology with my eye always on the future. when I'm not enjoying the latest gaming has to offer you'll find me working on my personal projects like Dungeons & Rule-sets (see below) or mods for any number of games.

My Experience


C# Is one of the two early languages I learnt at TAFE and not only is it quite widely used in the existing marketplace for your APIs  its also extended with entity frameworks (like BreezeJS or GraphQL) as well as plenty of applications in current Computer Games which is where I hone my skills quite often


Angular is a well known Web Framework used by many from anything to simple Data displays, to complex client side data processing and handling. Although i was not made aware of this Framework as part of my own studies I've worked in industry on this particular framework for the better part of year learning all the ins and outs of Observables and the Quirks imparted by Typescript


Dungeons and Rulesets

Dungeons and Dragons is a expansive and well known tabletop that has been around for Decades.

Dungeons and Rulesets plans to take the expansive nature of Tabletop Role Playing games like Dungeons and dragons and create a platform that is flexible to those different rule sets, providing players with a platform that is flexible for many campaigns